This weekend our family had the great honor of meeting
Captain Cory Baxter.
Cory will marry my sweet cousin Sara this fall.
The two now live in San Diego where Cory is a helicopter pilot in the United States Marine Corps.
We have heard so many wonderful things about him and simply could not wait to finally meet him!
Our family has been anxiously anticipating this weekend. After hearing how smitten Sara is, we were all quite sure that he would give us grande reason to adore him. He did not disappoint.
Cory greeted us with the warmest hugs and within minutes was handing gifts to my children. Collin was given a true treasure. Cory not only gave him a child size helicopter flight suit but also graciously gave him a handful of his very own patches, one of which has Baxter branded across the front. He also humbly gave him a special coin that, from what I understand, is given out by a commanding officer. And here it was being placed into the hands of my six year old. Collin could not be more proud. He may be only six years old but the boy is a collector of treasure, and he knows one when he sees it. He loves to sort and keep. This gift could not have been more perfect. Many would imagine a gift such as this may be "wasted" on such a young boy who can't understand the magnitude of what it means. Not our boy.
He beams every time we talk about it.
I actually immediately felt a lump form in my throat and realized I was about to cry. I quickly decided that I should probably not embarrass myself within the first five minutes.
We don't want to scare anyone with the ugly cry, and we all know it goes from zero to ugly all to quickly.
But truly, that's all it took.
That gift.
It was every bit as special to me as it was to my six year old son.
Very much appreciated and held dear to our boy's young, impressionable heart.
This girl was quite taken by these two guests of honor as well...
The day just kept getting better as we gathered at cousin Kara's house for a surprise wedding shower for Sara and Cory!
Some may say I am biased but I'm quite certain that you won't find a better family to be apart of! We couldn't be more excited to welcome Cory in! Distance has never come between any of us, and though we live miles apart we will love you as though we see you every day!
We spent the rest of the night laughing and talking and enjoying the company of the people we hold dearest to our hearts while we celebrated the fact that our group is expanding with the addition of Cory!
Today we spent our Memorial Day at mom's.
What better way to celebrate than to be in the presence of a real american hero?!
Cory and Sara spent the whole day loving all over my kids, playing game after game. All the while making both kids feel as though there wasn't anywhere in world that they would rather be.
At one point this sweet girl threw her arms around Cory's neck and hugged him as though she has known him her whole life.
That made it official Cory, you're family.
Captain Cory Baxter.
Cory will marry my sweet cousin Sara this fall.
The two now live in San Diego where Cory is a helicopter pilot in the United States Marine Corps.
We have heard so many wonderful things about him and simply could not wait to finally meet him!
Our family has been anxiously anticipating this weekend. After hearing how smitten Sara is, we were all quite sure that he would give us grande reason to adore him. He did not disappoint.
Cory greeted us with the warmest hugs and within minutes was handing gifts to my children. Collin was given a true treasure. Cory not only gave him a child size helicopter flight suit but also graciously gave him a handful of his very own patches, one of which has Baxter branded across the front. He also humbly gave him a special coin that, from what I understand, is given out by a commanding officer. And here it was being placed into the hands of my six year old. Collin could not be more proud. He may be only six years old but the boy is a collector of treasure, and he knows one when he sees it. He loves to sort and keep. This gift could not have been more perfect. Many would imagine a gift such as this may be "wasted" on such a young boy who can't understand the magnitude of what it means. Not our boy.
He beams every time we talk about it.
I actually immediately felt a lump form in my throat and realized I was about to cry. I quickly decided that I should probably not embarrass myself within the first five minutes.
We don't want to scare anyone with the ugly cry, and we all know it goes from zero to ugly all to quickly.
But truly, that's all it took.
That gift.
It was every bit as special to me as it was to my six year old son.
Yes, his gigantic smile tells the story.
And here is where he keeps it. Folded safely away in a box in his room to ensure it will not be touched by anyone. This is how Collin stores all of his special keepsakes. :)
Every person who has stepped foot into our house has been invited to his bedroom where he lays the suit out on the floor while strategically attaching all of the patches just so. He is sure to explain that "these are real patches, and this name "Baxter" it's his real name".
When he saw me uploading this picture he was quite disturbed that I had been meddling without his supervision.
I was immediately interrogated...
"how did you get that picture, where is the box now, did you move it, did you touch it, is the metal coin still on top where I put it"
Suhweet mercy child, I opened the box, snapped a picture and placed it exactly where I found it!
Thank you Cory.
Your gift is beyond words ~Very much appreciated and held dear to our boy's young, impressionable heart.

This girl was quite taken by these two guests of honor as well...
Look who else flew in for the fun.
The one and only...
The day just kept getting better as we gathered at cousin Kara's house for a surprise wedding shower for Sara and Cory!
Some may say I am biased but I'm quite certain that you won't find a better family to be apart of! We couldn't be more excited to welcome Cory in! Distance has never come between any of us, and though we live miles apart we will love you as though we see you every day!
We spent the rest of the night laughing and talking and enjoying the company of the people we hold dearest to our hearts while we celebrated the fact that our group is expanding with the addition of Cory!
Today we spent our Memorial Day at mom's.
What better way to celebrate than to be in the presence of a real american hero?!
Cory and Sara spent the whole day loving all over my kids, playing game after game. All the while making both kids feel as though there wasn't anywhere in world that they would rather be.
At one point this sweet girl threw her arms around Cory's neck and hugged him as though she has known him her whole life.
That made it official Cory, you're family.
Our sweet Sara,
Though miles have always separated us, we have always felt every bit as close and connected to you as we would if you lived minutes away. We couldn't wait to wrap our arms around your neck and shower you with congrats! I speak for our whole family when I say that we could not be more happy for you. Your smile is brighter than ever and it is plain to see that you have found your forever with Cory. We will love him every bit as much as we love you. Our hearts pound with joy for the both of you. You will no doubt be the most beautiful bride!
This weekend ended all to quickly.
Although it would never feel like enough time.
But one thing is for sure, we only needed mere moments to realize just how very blessed we are to be able to call Cory our family!
Congratulations and much love to you dear beauty!!
Dear Cory,
What a pleasure to finally meet you! Within minutes I could tell that you were going to so easily fit into our family. You have a heart the size of Texas. Our Sara is happier than ever all because of you! We will love you and support you as though you have always been here. My children adore you and I'm quite sure they were hopeful that you would be moving in with us! Should you ever need a place to stay, well you have the hook up here in Michigan. :)
We hope you felt at home with us this weekend and look forward to spending more time with you soon!
And just like that, the weekend is over.
Though I'm pretty sure we will all be going to bed with full hearts tonight!