We are back to school and in full swing! Collin confidently started first grade without any tears and is really enjoying his class and his friends. Week two brought a few hard mornings but we are getting into a routine and all is well with the world. He is in the classroom right next door to me with one of my dearest friends, I know he will be well cared for and loved this year just as he was last year!
Here he is on his first day, handsome as can be...

Sweet Madsy girl, well she started pre-school!
How in this world is she old enough?!
Be still my heart, I can hardly stand it.
Be still my heart, I can hardly stand it.
She is in the same class that Collin was in with Ms. Pam and Ms. Cathy, so again, I know she will be well cared for and loved this year.
Sweet beauty, we couldn't love her more...
As summer came to a close I felt an unshakeable sadness in my heart.
I always have a heavy heart as we step into a new year.
This year felt especially hard with sending both kids off to school.
We have been beyond blessed by our children's teachers.
I absolutely, beyond a shadow of a doubt, know that they are both right where they should be.
They enjoy school, they love their friends, and they are both happy!
It just makes my momma heart sad.
I just want to keep them close, nestled safely in my home.
This place where they are cherished with a rich love that runs deeper than they could ever understand.
But it's that time my dear loves.
Time to spread your wings just a little bit further.
Though it's hard for me to do I'll nudge you on.
Not because I want to see you go but simply because this is part of God's design.
My momma heart wants desperately to cling tight yet I am reminded of His goodness.
This is part of His design.
You are healthy, happy, well adjusted and off to make your mark in this world.
So we hug you tight, we kiss your sweet cheeks and we remind you...
Be kind to others little ones.
Love your friends well.
Listen to your teachers.
Show respect.
Let your light shine bright for Jesus.
All the while remembering just how very, very loved you are!!
This place where they are cherished with a rich love that runs deeper than they could ever understand.
But it's that time my dear loves.
Time to spread your wings just a little bit further.
Though it's hard for me to do I'll nudge you on.
Not because I want to see you go but simply because this is part of God's design.
My momma heart wants desperately to cling tight yet I am reminded of His goodness.
This is part of His design.
You are healthy, happy, well adjusted and off to make your mark in this world.
So we hug you tight, we kiss your sweet cheeks and we remind you...
Be kind to others little ones.
Love your friends well.
Listen to your teachers.
Show respect.
Let your light shine bright for Jesus.
All the while remembering just how very, very loved you are!!