Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy BiRtHdAy Dad!

Dear Dad,
Today is your day! The day that we celebrate you and all that you mean to us. And how do I even really begin to tell you just how much you mean to us...

You were the first man in my life. You were the first man that loved me. You were the first man that I gave my heart to. You were the first man responsible for building my self esteem. You were the first man that I wanted to impress, the first that I wanted to make proud...

You have always been my constant encourager being ever so faithful to remind me that success will come if I do things the Lord's way. You have taught me to take a stand for what I believe in, even when the world believes in something different. You have shown me what it looks like to be humble. Your genuine faith in Christ has always been real and convincing. Your beliefs are always evident in the total structure of who you are. Your confident faith has always been contagious and I am eternally grateful that as the priest of our home you instilled in us a healthy fear of God!

All of the qualities that make you the most amazing dad are the same ones that make you the most incredible papa!
I love watching you love my children...I love watching my children love you!

Psalm 127:3-5
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
So are the children of one's youth.
Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them...

Let me assure you that after 31 years, I love you more than ever, you still have my heart, and I still try to impress you and make you proud!
I have said it before and I will say it again...I can only pray that one day my children will love me as much as I love you!
Happy birthday dad!


  1. Megan, You are the little girl that I always wanted and now that I have you I feel as though I don't deserve you. God has blessed us both and you know that you will always be my little girl who is the sunshine in my life. God has blessed me with a wonderful christian daughter and that is the best of all. We will be together for eternity because of what He has done. I love you Megan..Dad

  2. What a wonderful post for your Dad!
    You both are very lucky!!
    Enjoy the day!
