Sunday, May 16, 2010

Trains and Tow Trucks

Daddy took Collin to a birthday party yesterday while Mommy and Gammy went to a baby shower...sweet little Madelyn stayed home with Nana because it was during part of her nap time.  Collin had LOTS of fun at the party in the park.  There were train rides, a playground to play on, good food to eat and great company!
Everyone got these cute conductor hats to wear.


One of the 5 trains

Sweet sugar!

All was well until the very end when Daddy went to leave and the car wouldn't start.  Mommy and Grammy came to the rescue and Daddy ended up having to call a tow truck. 

1 comment:

  1. What a great little park with a train!!
    Looks like a great place to play!
    Enjoy the day!
