Sunday, April 18, 2010

"Mamma"razzi Monday

"Mamma"razzi Mondays will be devoted to pictures. To say we take a lot of pictures is just an understatement. I mean lets just be honest, we went to the park the other day for about 30 minutes and when we left I checked my camera only to realize I had taken nearly 300 photos!
My children probably think that "seeing spots" is just a normal part of their vision. They probably hear "clickity clicks" in their dreams...
What can I say...I AM a "Mamma"razzi but the days tend to fly by and I just don't want to miss a thing!!

Pure sunshine!

Smile and the world smiles with you...

Seriously people this child can always make me smile!

This boy is pure joy!!

Sweet boy "sprinkles" happiness wherever he goes...

I just love that I have two car seats in my backseat. I often look in my rear view mirror (even while in the car alone) and I have to just give thanks to God knowing that He has filled those seats with the two most precious gifts that I will ever be given!

Eat your heart out ladies...

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