Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Special Day...

Today was Collin's "special day".  I have decided that each month our kids will have their own "special day".  I will take one and daddy will take the other (or sometimes mommy and daddy will both go) and we will have a date night, just some special alone time with one of the kids.  We LOVE doing things together as a family but it's always nice for the kids to have alone one-on-one time with each parent as well.
So we started with Collin and today we both took him for his "special day".  It was a quick last minute plan and we forgot the camera :( but we had so much fun spending some special time with our sweet Collin.  We took him to Stevi B's for pizza and games.  I loved watching him play all the kiddie games.  His little face would just light right up when he would "win" and the tickets would come spilling out.  I adore this little boy, he makes everyday special...

Sweet Madsy girl had a special day of her own with Grammy and Papa!  She spent the evening with them and by the looks of the pictures Grammy snapped, she had a great time!

This girl loves corn!

Keeping her hand on her corn and her eyes on her papa!


Seriously, I could eat her!
SO very animated!
Of all the things papa has read today, 
I would venture to say that "Peekaboo" was his favorite...

LOVE those funny faces!

Pure joy!

Sweet little ones, you make all of our days special days!