Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Chicken Pox

So apparently the annoying snot that I referred to yesterday was just a mere glimpse at what we were about to hit head on.....

Yes my sweet Madelyn has the chicken pox...
Poor baby...

Neither of my children have had the vaccine so I am pretty confident that Collin is next...
So sad...
Pray for us!


  1. Ohhhh my sweet Madsy baby...I hate this...go away pox and leave my sweet ones alone...
    Glad she still has her sweet disposition ..hopefully she has been through the worse..give her big hugs and kisses for me..and to my big guy Collin nana

  2. Oh NO !! Poor little girl :( So sad for her ! Hope she gets over it quickly !

  3. AW, bless your heart again!!! I hope it's not so painful and it passes fast!!! Both my kids actually had the vaccination (although for the life of me, I don't know why or when, LOL).

  4. goodness gracious! poor sweet baby! she sure does look cute all spotted! (sorry, i had too!) my baby bro had it when he was super little and he didn't notice it as much as the big kids.... i hope thats her!

    totally praying for you guys!

  5. So sad. We thought Maddy had it this summer, but it turned out to be something else. Good Luck, I am sure it will be as hard on you as it is on them. Your family is in our prayers. Hugs
