Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Such a BIG girl!

Guess who pooped on the potty tonight?
Oh yes she did!

 Even Madelyn had a hard time believing it at first...
so she had to check to make sure!
Sure enough, there was cause for celebration!!
 We are so proud of you big girl!!


  1. This may be a weird thing to say to you, but thank you so much for posting those pictures! My daughter looked at them and then ASKED to have her picture taken on the potty. I am currently still trying to get her interested in going on one and she is so hard to get to even sit on it. SO THANK YOU! haha

    Congrats to your sweet girl! She is beaming with pride!

  2. So proud of her and loved hearing it from her on voice mail. She was very clear about what she did and very proud of her accomplishments (she told us she went both, ha ha!)
