Saturday, August 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Beauties!!

Today is Grammy's (my mom) birthday!!  Which means it is also Gabby's (my aunt Barb) birthday too!!  They are twinners!!  Don't you think it would be so stinkin' cool to be a twin?  We always tease them about having the "weird twin thing" going on haha, but we think it is incredibly fab!  When they are together there is always laughter, usually they are laughing at something that no one else thinks is funny but we are laughing along simply because we find it so funny that they find "whatever" so hilarious!!  While in Cape Cod the twins were sitting off to the side enjoying some side splitting hilarity about something and my cousin Kelly (Barb's daughter) and I giggled while I said "I wonder what they are laughing at".  Kels response... "either something super hilarious or they just have the weird twin thing going on".  HA!  We call it "weird" but in a completely loving way, because we all think is the most amazingly unique connection.  They are truly one of a kind and we all just love them to pieces....
Here's to you gals...
Happy birthday to our favorite twinners!!
Annnnd I am prepared to die for that picture but whatevs!
For realz peeps, they truly are that much fun!!
You totally wish you knew them right?  :)

Collin and Madelyn wanted to wish their Grammy a very happy birthday today.  We did a little question and answer little people style...

In Collin's 4 year old world...

How old is Grammy?

What is your favorite thing about Grammy?
Going to her house and hugging her.

What is she the best at?
The computer.  And kissing and hugging me.

What does Grammy look like?
She looks like Grammy!

What does she always say to you?
That she loves me.  And she hugs me and kisses me too.

What do you think Grammy would like for her birthday?
A princess hat.

What would you like to buy her for her birthday?
A new car.

Whoah that's kind of expensive!
Well that's what I want to buy her!
Ok how about new shoes.

She is totally worth it, but sorry Grams no new car this year!! :)

Dear Grammy,
Happy Birthday Grammy.  I love you for your birthday.  I love you.  I am going to hug you and kiss you when I come to your party...for your birthday!  And I love you.  Happy birthday and birthday cake.  Can we play at the park at your birthday party?  That's what I want to say!


In Madelyn's 2 year old world...

How old is Grammy?
uh 4

What does Grammy look like?
Silly...and she laughs out loud

What does Grammy like to do?

What do you want to buy Grammy for her birthday?
A bag

Dear Grammy,
Happy birthday!
What else do you want to say?
Love, Madelyn

Happy birthday mom!!  You are every kind of fabulous!!  You help me in every way you possibly can and I am blessed to have you as my mom~ my friend!!

Happy birthday Gabs!!  We think you are every kind of fabulous as well!!  Easily one of my all time favorite people!!  Consider myself so very blessed to call you aunt and also friend!!  

Be blessed lovelies!!

1 comment:

  1. Laughing out loud here and forgiving you for the, uh, weird thing picture!!! The love notes from the kids and you make up for it. Blessed for sure, both of us, to have all of you not just IN our lives, as our lives!!! (if that makes sense!) :)
